Second-hand screen printing | Lopritec

We don't sell new screen printing machinery, but we do run into some second-hand gems every now and then. Thats why, on occasion, we also offer second-hand screen printing machinery for sale. 

Interested? Feel free to contact us! 

Second-hand screen printing.

- Dubuit Trigone screenprinter

A two color screenprinting machine for glass and ceramics.



Ardenghi Mini 3 Ardenghi Mini 3 Ardenghi Mini 3 Ardenghi Mini 3 Ardenghi Mini 3 Ardenghi Mini 3 Ardenghi Mini 3

- Screenprint machine GPE Ardenghi mini 3

Second hand screen print machine Ardenghi GPE Mini

- The famous Italien manufacturer of screen printing machines and automations, small items.
- efficient, flexible and fast
- tabletop model
- This machine has prooved itselfs by reliance and durability
- electromechanical
- small budget

This machine is proprety of Lopritec and can be seen at the Lopritec warehouses in Belgium, Oeselgem (Dentergem). You are always welcome for a coffee and a talk.